The excitement of Microsoft’s last day’s sadness and final presentation was together. There was a bit of fatigue, but when you get excited, you can get rid of fatigue. There will be another presentation in the morning. It’s like a preliminary elimination. I only changed the demo in my presentations. Because in yesterday’s demo I actually mentioned things related to what I added for a week and I put transactions according to it. In today’s presentation, I prepared a demo that explains the basic functions of my application. There was another screening in the morning and it was incredibly beautiful. When this final element was announced, I could make a presentation to the final jury. Actually, I realized that I was never excited in the morning until everything came out on stage. Make sure that when you go to the scene your mind is just progeny. You do not think of anything else. 2.5 minutes is like 10 seconds to you. I also write down who you are in the final jury.
For those who can not read the manuscripts, there were a lot of juries that I did not remember from Google, Microsoft, İş Bank, Garanti Bank, Work Up, İTÜ Çekirdek. You really get excited when you come up against these people. I looked at the jury’s eyes especially when my scoring came. The jury is also really relieved when I see Cavit Yantaç, Behice Funda and Ibrahim Kivanc smile to support me. I understand that things are going well. It’s a very nice feeling. I was very excited before coming to the presentation queue and I felt very good in presentation. After a very nice appearance, he came to ask questions. It’s actually my income model and I asked the questions after I told the users how to get them. I responded very nicely in a way that would leave no question in their minds. I wish I did not ask Hesret to do it before I took the microphone out: D After the presentations were over, we ate our food and waited for the results to be revealed with enthusiasm. Every project that really got to the finals was very beautiful. So I could stay in one of the stock exchanges for you to choose which one. After eating the last day’s food, the results were announced
Fatih Sinan When I first saw that my brother Medcezir Orkunç was 1st. I do not want to write the idea of his project, but he has a really beautiful project. The information is very nice. There is no doubt that it will succeed. I wish him success. Turn on the road.
On the last day I had a chance to talk with Koray Kocabaş from Hürriyet after cutting his cake. What do you think about the project, I said, “The people have chosen you, they loved the project very much. He’s a really incredible guy. The approach to information is very good for you. Then I found the opportunity to talk with Ibrahim Kivanc and I gave you the name when I said evaluation. He said he would take care of the video and photo integration and mail me back to see the jury again. Likewise, I asked Hasret about his idea that I liked him very much when I asked him his opinion, but he told me that I should finish the project. He is fond of continuing the project. These were really motivating cues for me. Thanks for everything. It’s been a month since I can not forget my life. If you are studying in any department or university, please read this program. I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time. Many thanks again for everything from MICROSOFT.
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