I noticed that I got so used to the last day when I got one more day. There are 5 differences when love is laughing. I only wish very nice friendships and established friendships here. The incredible friendly atmosphere was incredible. Do you have any experience reading your experiences here, not applying to Microsoft. If you are referring to MSP, refer to it but do not stay idle. You have no consent.
Today there will be no training because the time is very short. Everyone had to add something to their project. There were presentations tomorrow. Today I had to integrate the project to select photos and take pictures. Yiğit Özaksüt‘s Xamarin advanced training courses have courses related to this, they can add from those who want to add to their project. After integrating this plug-in project, I had to put the photos into the database but I did not want to enter any risk because I will be leaving for the project presentation tomorrow. I will do uploads after presentation. After I did my own project, I looked at their projects to help other friends. Some of my friends were having trouble connecting their projects to the database. With Azure Mobile Apps Quickstart, it’s easy to connect.
Levent Erkan, Assistant General Manager of Microsoft Ankara, came to speak at the evening. He’s a new assistant manager. He told me that he was suffering as much as he had come here. In addition, Microsoft told us that Ankara gave entrepreneurs a lot of free places like office, chairs, tables, meeting halls and coffee tea. He gave my name and told me that he was going to tour while some of our friends were in Ankara saying that the Microsoft office was blocked from visiting. After he received the most valuable information from himself, he finished talking. He did not stay with us for too little time. We would like to thank Levent Erkan for this valuable speech.
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