I started the first day of the last weekend of my Microsoft adventure. I’m a little nervous. Maybe this is the last Monday for Microsoft syndrome. I spent 90 minutes in the morning in the morning and then arrived at the office. After making our breakfast as the first speaker of the day the Human Resources Manager of Microsoft Turkey Esra Gaon was with us. Now everyone is waiting. Because we were wondering what kinds of questions were asked to enter such big firms and how they passed through a screening system. Esra Gaon first introduced himself. Before coming here, there were a lot of utterances in Esra Gaon. The strangest question asked of him is “What would you like to be if you were an animal?” was i. This question did not think they were kidding first. The scorpion replied that there was no joke. He explains why defenders are good when they try to harm him. But do not be afraid if you want to get a job interview at Microsoft Esra Gaon does not ask such questions. More of your hobileriniz, you are asked about yourself. So far, every speaker who has graduated from or where you graduate has no say that you have no idea. The important thing is how much you have developed yourself and you need to be as knowledgeable as you are to be experts in one subject and others in the other. They said that when you look at your CV, they look at what university, department or number average and graduate you are not as important as what you think, what you are doing, what activities you attended, what competition you are applying for and how many social responsibility projects you have.
After speaking in the morning, Hurriyet’s Data Engineer Sinem Oğuz Körpün came as an instructor. Today’s training will be Machine Learning. It was an education everyone was curious about. Because some of our friends had to take this training for the project. Everyone was excited as they entered the last week for project presentations. In fact, we were not able to focus too much on the last week when project presentations were approaching, but Sinem Oguz Köprülü had a very nice story and we left the projects when it was beautiful. The conversation ended with a demo about Machine Learning.
As the last speaker of the day, Murat Kandemir, the founder of the Garage, was with us. Garage, very nice an organization that supports entrepreneurs in Turkey. Murat Kandemir is so naive and friendly. This conversation really came to us really well when everyone had a dream to be an entrepreneur. How an entrepreneur should behave. He told me where and when to leave. They also decided to establish such a company after the first attempt failed. We thank Murat Kandemir for this speech.
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