7th Day in Microsoft
Now I'm used to waking up early in the morning. I have not woken up…
6th Day in Microsoft
At the end of the first week, we have started the second week. It was…
5th Day in Microsoft
Week 4 as the rest of the day in the morning hours of 08: Microsoft…
Microsoft’da 4. Gün
Bu sabah Microsoft Türkiye ofisine geçebilecektik sonunda. Otelde geçirilen 3 gün çok güzeldi servis açısından…
Microsoft’da 3. Gün
Sabah yine saat 08:45 de Renaissance Otelde olduk. Burada ki son günümüzdü. Microsoft Türkiye'de ki…
2nd Day in Microsoft
I went to the Renaissance Hotel at 8 am with my mental exhaustion, which I…
1st Day in Microsoft
I applied before I applied to Microsoft, not from my choice, but from my frustration.…
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